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Camelot Veterinary Hospital

Veterinarian Reviews Add Review

Vet Name

Dr Shepherd


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Owner Name


... Our daughter's cat started showing uti symptoms last Tuesday. ... Day 1: he sends her home with 2 antibiotics for UTI. Day 2: The vet called and said he thinks the cat has diabetes not a UTI and instructed her to bring him in the next day for further testing. Day 3: NOT DIABETES. Continue the antibiotics for UTI. Day 4: My daughter called him to tell him the cat is not improving and he is bleeding. With complete lack of compassion he told her: Bring him in for euthanization HES IN RENAL FAILURE 😡😡 My daughter called me absolutely devastated and told me Binx has to be put to sleep. I told her to take him to Cheat Lake for evaluation. Camelot REFUSED to fax the labs to Cheat Lake after multiple requests but it didn't matter. As suspected Binx is NOT in renal failure. He received IV fluids, a pain injection, pain medication and a stronger antibiotic for home and a diet change. The antibiotic that he was initially prescribed is a very old school med not commonly used anymore. Im so happy they went for the 2nd opinion and Binx is home and doing so well only 3 days later. His follow up is next week and prognosis is great!

Vet Name

Dr William Shepherd


Pet Name

Lilly , Bella, Cleo , Bear

Owner Name


The ABSOLUTE VET I have ever gone to!! Would never ever go anywhere else! Will make an exception if needed for an Appt. Love this man and staff. God Bless Them !!

Vet Name

Dr William Shepherd


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Owner Name


This is a vote for my vet at Camelot

Vet Name

Dr. William Sheperd


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Owner Name


Dr. William Sheperd is the best veterinarian I have ever been associated with. He will always go the extra mile for his customers and their pet.The year was 1998, 10 a.m., our eleven year old poodle, Nicholas had been examined by Dr. Sheperd, he ordered an X-ray. As I spent 15 precious minutes with my dog, waiting for the results, Dr. Sheperd gave me the news, Nicholas had a very enlarged heart and advised me to admit Nicholas to his Camelot Veterinary Clinic for treatment. I called at 4 p.m. and Nicholas was responding well. At 5:45 p.m. Dr. Sheperd called me with the bad news, Nicholas had taken a turn for the worse, it was "touch and go." Nicholas died at 11 p.m.Dr. Sheperd was very compassionate and understanding. I could not have accepted Nicholas' death without his help. I know he did his best in caring for our beloved pet.I had recently become a young widow, due to the unexpected death of my husband. I felt so overwhelmed to lose another love in my life. I ask Dr. Sheperd for a special favor, I wanted to remember Nicholas as he had been, alive and well. I did not wish to see him after he had died, Dr. Sheperd granted my wish and had Nicholas buried on his farm where the Camelot Veterinary Clinic is located. I visited his grave often. Dr. Sheperd will always have a special place in my heart.

Vet Name

William Sheperd


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Owner Name


Very patient with Bruiser who gets very excited when he goes there and really needs a lot of patience. He also was very compassionate when my other dog Rocky passed away. I have taken all of our pets there for years.

Vet Name

Dr. william sheperd


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Owner Name


I think he is great, he has compassion for the animals and their owners. He has always taken good care of my animals and gave good advice when i asked questions. He was very honest and did not beat around the bush when it came to your pets health.

Vet Name



Pet Name

maggiemae lexilinn

Owner Name


he is there when you need him

Vet Name

Dr. William Sheperd


Pet Name


Owner Name


Dr Sheperd and his staff are the most caring, compassionate people. They treat your pet like their own. When we had to have our chocolate lab,Abby put to sleep a year ago,they hugged us and cried with us. They give excellent health care to all the pets brought to Camelot...even for the ones who can't pay. We have a new lab pup

Vet Name

Dr shepherd


Pet Name

Maggie Mae Lexi Lynn

Owner Name


Always available when needed does only needed procedures

Vet Name

Bill Sheperd


Pet Name

Hoss, Tyberius, Tabitha, Walter

Owner Name


Best personality of any veterinarian I've delt with. Kind, compationate, honest. Available to answer questions, no matter how busy. Staff (Michelle) works around your schedule to fit you in at a moments notice. Animals always seem calm around the Doc. Means and says alot about a person when animals like them.

Vet Name

Dr William Shepherd


Pet Name


Owner Name


Vet for my grand-doggies (Doxies). Because of him Winnie got surgery she needed so she could walk again. My son spoke HIGHLY of him. My son was killed a few months ago in an accident.GOD BLESS VETS LIKE MR SHEPHERD.

Vet Name

dr william shepard


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Owner Name


he is just the greatest

Vet Name

dr shephard


Pet Name

lucy, annie

Owner Name


he is a kind and compassionate man. any pet i have taken to him immediately buddy up to him, he has a special bond with animals. by far the best, he goes out of his way to help them.

Vet Name

Dr. William Sheperd


Pet Name


Owner Name


Dr. Shepherd has been our vet for 25 years for several pets that we have had. He has always been willing to go out of his way to see that our are taken care of immedbeen there iately. He has compassionately been there during the death of our first dog from a tumor and saved the life of our precious dog, Scamp, when he had parvo-virus as a puppy. Dr. Shepherd is a wonderful vetinarian who cares a great deal about his pet patients treating them as if they were his own pets. He understands that they mean the world to their owners. He deserves to win this award because he has been caring for our pets and many other animals in the surrounding areas in his own special way for many years.

Vet Name

dr shepard


Pet Name

9 cats,2 dogs

Owner Name


dr.shepard has taken care of my animals for many years.on multipal occasions he has taken us in under emergency situations,ahead of patients in waiting.he also takes care of a wildlife orphanage.

Vet Name

Dr. Sheperd


Pet Name


Owner Name


He truly exemplifies the meaning of compassion when it comes to animals. He is there for you anytime. He has made house calls, and so many times never has charged for that. Because he cares.

Vet Name

Dr. Sheperd


Pet Name


Owner Name


He is kind to all animals and is always so helpful with all questions and concerns we have.

Vet Name

Bill Shepard


Pet Name


Owner Name


This picture is our Addison who passed last December. Billy helped us give Addie 12 beautiful year. Addie put her toys away, protected the house and was best friend to our 13 year old Border Collie. Addies sickness was fast and aggressive and she passed in Bill's care. He was as heartbroken as we were. Afraid that she hurt Bill assured us she did not and that she slid down on her sternum as she always would to sleep, placed her head on her paws and closed her eyes in a dignified way she would have wanted with the love of Doc at her side. Doc is family to our pets and to us.

Vet Name

Dr. William (Bill) Shepard


Pet Name


Owner Name


Dr. Shepard is the BEST when it comes to caring for animals. He is gentle, caring, and a genius when it comes to veterinary science. He has saved the lives of many animals, including my dog, Meadow. He is alwaysavailable to his patients, and has even seen my dogs on a Sunday morning. I cannot express in words how much this man cares for animals. He owns the Western PA National Wild Animals Orphanage, where he takes care of rescued animals, such as lions and tigers. He makes all patients feel comfortable, and isn't afraid to go the extra mile for animals. His bond with animals is sacred. I am so thankful to have such an amazing vet - my dogs love him, my family loves him - I don't know of a person who doesn't think the world of him. He is a lifesaver, and in my eyes, the best Vet to ever exist. My dogs would be lost without him. There aren't enough words to describe why he is the best - he simply is.

Vet Name

William Shepard


Pet Name

Mikey, Ferguson, Kittles, Elton, Geno

Owner Name


Dr Shepard take the time to get to know each patient and their family. Doc goes above and beyond in taking every precaution and treating every pet as if it were his own, and every family as if her were part of it. Dr SHepard truly is a blessing to the animal community..especialy to our family and our pets.

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