Upper Respiratory Infection in Dogs


Upper Respiratory Infection in Dogs

Reviewed by Dr. Fiona Lee

If your dog has been coughing, sneezing or sounding a little congested, it's natural to be concerned. Just like humans, dogs can catch upper respiratory infections (URIs), which can range from mild sniffles to more serious conditions that may require hospitalization.1

In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about URIs in dogs—including common symptoms, potential causes, treatments and how to prevent them. Depending on the cause, early intervention might help your pup recover faster or require less expensive medical treatments.2

What Is an Upper Respiratory Infection in Dogs?

An upper respiratory infection in dogs refers to an infection that affects the upper part of your dog's respiratory system, which includes the nose, throat, sinuses and trachea. (In contrast, lower respiratory infections affect the bronchi and lungs.) URIs can be mild, but more serious cases can lead to severe respiratory distress.1

Causes & How Dogs Get Infected

A variety of highly contagious viral and bacterial pathogens can cause URIs. They can be spread from dog to dog through sneezing or coughing.1 They can also spread through close dog-to-dog contact—such as licking or nuzzling—or even being exposed to contaminated items like bedding, water bowls or a person's hand or clothes.3

Dogs often catch URIs in settings where many dogs congregate, like dog parksboarding facilities, shelters and groomers.And if that's not bad enough, viruses and bacteria on contaminated surfaces can remain contagious for days—or even months.1

Most common culprits

The most common type of URI that veterinarians encounter is kennel cough, also known as canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC).1 In fact, some veterinarians consider kennel cough and canine URIs to be interchangeable terms.5

Like the human cold, dog URIs can be caused by different pathogens that produce similar symptoms.2 Some causes include:1

  • Bordetella bronchiseptica (The most common cause of kennel cough)3
  • Canine parainfluenza
  • Canine herpesvirus2
  • Canine reovirus2
  • Adenovirus type 1
  • Adenovirus type 24
  • Mycoplasma canis2
  • Canine influenza4
  • Streptococcus zooepidemicus
  • Canine distemper
  • Canine respiratory coronavirus
  • Bacterial mycoplasmas

While many of these may present with similar symptoms, not all pathogens are created equal. For example, canine distemper may look like a URI in its earlier stages, but it can progress eventually to the central nervous symptom and often become fatal.6

About aCIRD

In 2023, veterinarians began reporting cases of a more severe and persistent form of kennel cough, now called atypical canine infectious respiratory disease (aCIRD). While the exact cause remains unknown, aCIRD appears to spread similarly to other URIs through respiratory droplets, direct contact and contaminated surfaces.

Dogs are suspected of having aCIRD when they test negative for known kennel cough pathogens but experience symptoms lasting longer than six weeks or develop rapid-onset pneumonia. Researchers are still investigating potential viral, bacterial or environmental causes.7

About bird flu

Some pet owners are concerned about bird flu (also known as avian influenza), which can cause URIs, severe lower respiratory infections or other life-threatening complications in animals.

Right now, the risk of bird flu in dogs appears low, but cases have been reported. Some cats have become severely ill or have died after exposure. Since bird flu symptoms resemble other URIs, contact your veterinarian if your pet shows signs of illness—especially if they may have been exposed to raw milk or dead birds.8

Symptoms of an Upper Respiratory Infection

The symptoms of URIs can vary quite a bit. Mild cases might involve sneezing and a mild cough, while severe cases can turn into potentially life-threatening pneumonia. In general, symptoms may include:1

  • Cough that sounds like a goose honk
  • Nasal discharge (especially puppies)
  • Foamy saliva when coughing
  • Cough that worsens with exercise or activity3
  • Sneezing more than a few times daily5
  • Eye discharge
  • Runny nose3
  • Fatigue
  • Fever (may indicate more severe infection)5
  • Decreased appetite
  • Rapid, noisy breathing (if developing pneumonia)
  • Moist cough (if developing pneumonia)
  • Gray, blue or pale gums or tongue2

Diagnosing a Respiratory Infection

If you notice your dog has URI symptoms, call your veterinarian and ask about next steps. If your dog only has mild symptoms or your veterinarian knows a specific pathogen that's circulating in your area, your pup may not even need any diagnostic tests.3

If your veterinarian wants to make a definitive diagnosis, they'll collect swab samples from your dog's nose, throat and/or edges of the eyes. These will be sent to a laboratory to identify the pathogen.3

Treatment & Home Care

Most dogs have minor symptoms that resolve in about seven to 10 days and only need mild, supportive care. Depending on the URI's cause, your veterinarian may recommend:1

  • Running a hot shower to create steam in the bathroom, and letting your pup breathe the warm, steamy air
  • Cough suppressants
  • Cleaning your dog's eyes and nose of any crusty buildup
  • Lots of fresh water
  • Antibiotic prescriptions (but only for bacterial infections, not viruses)
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) to reduce fever3
  • Saline nose drops or nebulizers designed for dogs to help prevent dehydration of the mucus layers4
  • Lots of rest and keeping playtime and walking sessions short5
  • Warming canned food in the microwave for a few seconds so it has a stronger scent and is more appetizing to congested dogs5
  • Watching your dog closely—if they seem to worsen, get them to the veterinarian again right away to avoid pneumonia or catch it early

If your dog develops pneumonia, more intensive care will likely be needed, such as:1

  • IV antibiotics
  • Hospitalization
  • Oxygen supplementation

One of the factors that makes respiratory infections so difficult to contain is that dogs can be asymptomatic and appear perfectly healthy yet still be contagious. They might be contagious for up to two weeks before symptoms appear. After symptoms have resolved, you should still keep your dog away from other dogs for about a week.1

Most dogs will recover from their illness in about 10 days. It's not normal for a dog to be sick for a month or more. If your dog does not recover or if they get worse, you may be dealing with a different illness or a more severe infection (like pneumonia). Your veterinarian will advise what to do next.3

When To Seek Emergency Care

Most URIs resolve on their own. But if you notice any symptoms of pneumonia, see a veterinarian right away. These include labored, noisy or rapid breathing and a moist rather than dry cough.1

Preventing Upper Respiratory Infections

A big part of preventing URIs is making sure your dog doesn't spread them. If you suspect your dog has a URI—even if they're only coughing—isolate your pup from other dogs until about a week after your dog's symptoms are gone. This includes avoiding public spaces where other dogs are, such as trying to only take your dog for potty breaks in your backyard if you can.1

And while you can't avoid all causes of URIs (partly because dogs can be contagious before they even show symptoms,) you can reduce your dog's chances of getting sick.3 Some approaches include:1

  • Keep updated on the core vaccines, including DAPP (distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza and parvovirus.)3
  • Get the noncore Bordetella vaccine if recommended by your veterinarian. Some facilities, like training classes, kennels and doggie day cares, require it.9
  • Get the noncore canine influenza vaccine if recommended by your veterinarian.
  • Avoid areas where dogs congregate if there's a local CIRDC outbreak.

Recovery & Long-Term Outlook

For most dogs, respiratory infections are mild and their long-term outlook is great.1 But this can vary depending on the individual dog's health and the pathogen at play. If the respiratory infection is from distemper, for example, there is a much greater risk of death. Puppies or elderly dogs who have other health conditions might also have a tougher time recovering from any respiratory infection.3

Understanding the symptoms of URIs in dogs can help you act quickly. If your dog develops a persistent cough, nasal discharge or frequent sneezing, talk to your veterinarian. Early diagnosis and treatment may be able to help your pup have a smoother recovery and start feeling better faster.

Pets Best Can Help You Keep Your Dog Healthy

Pet insurance is a great way to help you protect your dog from diseases and illnesses like upper respiratory infections. At Pets Best, our dog insurance plans can be customized for your pet's unique needs. In addition, Pets Best policyholders can speak to a veterinary expert anytime through a 24/7 Pet Helpline.


Sources/ Citations

1. "Upper respiratory infections in dogs: What you need to know," Gemma Johnstone (11/17/2022), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/upper-respiratory-infections-dogs-need-know/

2. "Kennel cough in dogs," (n.d.), Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, https://www.lonetreevet.com/blog/kennel-cough-in-dogs/

3. "Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (kennel cough)," (n.d.), American Veterinary Medical Association, https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/petcare/canine-infectious-respiratory-disease-complex-kennel-cough

4. "Upper respiratory infections: URI in dogs," Marty Greer (3/13/2024), Revival Animal Health, https://www.revivalanimal.com/learning-center/upper-respiratory-infections-uri-in-dogs

5. "Canine upper respiratory infection (URI)," Mallory Uzel (n.d.), Asheville Humane Society, https://www.ashevillehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/Canine-Upper-Respiratory-Infection.pdf

6. "Distemper in dogs: Signs, symptoms, treatments," Anna Burke (10/10/2024), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/distemper-in-dogs/

7. "What is atypical canine infectious respiratory disease (aCIRD)?" (n.d.), LA County Public Health, http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/vet/aCIRD.htm

8. "Avian influenza in pets and backyard flocks," (n.d.), American Veterinary Medical Association, https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/animal-health/avian-influenza/avian-influenza-companion-animals

9. "Bordetella vaccine for dogs: What to know," Anna Burke (8/11/2023), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/bordetella-vaccine-dogs/

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