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- How to Protect Your Pets from Fleas and Ticks

Few pests are more irritating to our furry friends than fleas and ticks. Not only do these insects cause discomfort for our cats and dogs, but they can also cause a wide range of health problems. Often the best cure for fleas and ticks and the diseases they carry is prevention. This includes reducing exposure to environments where fleas and ticks are known to thrive, following pet hygiene recommendations, and administering flea and tick preventative medications or treatments regularly. In this article, we’ll cover common questions concerning fleas and ticks, their health risks, and how to keep them from making life unpleasant for you and your pets.
Can Pets Spread Fleas to Humans?
Fleas are parasites which need a “host” to survive. They are small, flat, long-bodied reddish-brown insects. Of the thousands of different types of fleas in the world, each flea type prefers a different type of host.1 Unfortunately, fleas that target dogs or cats can still spread diseases to humans. Fleas can be transported by dogs and cats and spread diseases to humans by either biting their hosts or through contaminated flea feces finding their way into contact with humans.2
Common Fleaborne Diseases
- Flea-borne typhus
- Plague
- Cat scratch disease (cat scratch fever)
- Parasitic tapeworms
Flea Lifecycle
Fleas thrive in warm, humid environments which make your pet’s coat an ideal place to be. They can jump from host to host, making it easy for them to spread from one pet to another. Dogs and cats often become infested through contact with another flea-infested pet. A flea’s life cycle can range from 16 days to 21 months depending on various factors like temperature and humidity. On average, female fleas lay 40 to 50 eggs a day, which means there is no such thing as a “little” flea infestation. Fleas are most active in warm climates and during the summer months, but these pesky insects can be annoying year-round if they find their way indoors.3 Once fleas invade your home, they are difficult to eradicate and often require costly and repetitive pest control remedies.
Health Issues from Fleas
Fleas feed off the blood of the host. Despite being only one to three millimeters in length, fleas feed twice a day and consume 15 times their body weight in blood.4 The result can be a life-threatening loss of blood that can cause anemia, particularly for puppies and kittens. Other medical issues include itching, skin damage, allergies and parasites such as tapeworms. In addition, pets that are allergic to flea bites can suffer excessive scratching, hair loss and skin conditions such as dermatitis.3
Identifying Ticks on Pets
Like fleas, ticks are parasites that need a host to survive. Ticks are oval-shaped creatures and can range in size from anywhere as small as pin head to as large as a marble. As ticks eat more blood, they grow in size. Ticks thrive in tall grasses, thick brush, and fallen leaves, but can also be found in yards or any outdoor area. They are most active in the late spring and summer. As a dog or cat walks by, a tick can sense the warmth from the pet’s body and cling onto its coat. Most often a tick will attach to your pet’s head, neck, ears or feet. From there, the tick will start feeding on the host’s blood and producing eggs.5
Health Issues from Ticks
While ticks can cause anemia, the primary concern is tickborne diseases. There are more than a dozen tickborne diseases, which vary by tick species and geographical region.6 In the U.S., Lyme disease is particularly dangerous for dogs and can cause serious medical problems such as swollen joints or lameness.7 Cats are less susceptible to Lyme disease, but can contract other harmful diseases.
Ticks can carry harmful diseases that are dangerous to both pets and humans and can be transferred to multiple members of your family. Be on the lookout for tick bites which are red and cause skin irritation. Consult a medical professional to determine if you or your pet has been bitten by a tick. While cats and dogs will scratch if they have been bitten by a tick or flea, be aware that cats may excessively lick the affected area.
How to Remove a Tick from Your Pet
If a tick bites your pet, it’s important to remove the tick as soon as possible to lessen the chance of illness. Be sure to use rubber gloves to prevent touching the tick directly and putting yourself at risk of contracting any tick-transmitted diseases. The proper method for removing a tick requires a fine-tipped tweezers or a tick-removal tool. Part the hair on your pet’s coat to better locate the entire tick. Use the tweezers or tick-removal tool and grab the tick by its head and steadily pull the tick away from your pet’s skin. Pulling close to the head makes it more likely that the whole tick will be removed without releasing any of its bodily fluids. A female tick can have eggs inside her body, so drop the tick into a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and tightly seal the bottle.8 It’s a good idea to dab an antiseptic on your pet's skin where the tick was removed and reward them with a healthy treat for behaving during the tick-removal process. Lastly, wash your hands thoroughly with warm, soapy water.
Flea and Tick Prevention Tips for Dogs and Cats
When it comes to fleas and ticks, prevention is the best method. By following these flea and tick prevention steps you’ll reduce the risk of your pet becoming infested:
- Regularly inspect your pet’s coat for fleas and ticks
- Comb pets regularly with a flea comb
- Wash all bedding once a week
- Keep your home clean
- Vacuum in corners, dark crevices, under furniture, under beds, and around baseboards
- Use flea and tick prevention products recommended by your pet care professional
Flea and Tick Treatments for Dogs and Cats
There are many types of pet safe flea and tick prevention products available. These come in different forms that can reduce the risk of infection. Note that flea and tick medicine for dogs should NOT be used on cats and vice versa.
- Shampoos
- Collars
- Sprays
- Oral medication in the form of pills or chews
- Ointments
- Topical insecticides
Always consult your veterinarian before treating your pet with any kind of medication or topical treatments. Following a regular veterinarian recommended anti-flea and tick regimen and the tips listed above can help keep your pets parasite free.
So next time you are out adventuring with your furry family members, don’t get “ticked” off. With a little prevention, the right treatments, and a sharp eye, you can keep your pets safe from the nuisance and dangers of fleas and ticks. Pets Best Pet Insurance also offers optional routine care coverage to help you pay for planned treatments like flea and tick preventatives for pets. These plan options pay up to a certain amount annually to help reduce the overall cost of planned treatments like flea and tick preventatives.
*Terms and conditions apply, see policy for details.
1 How Many Different Types of Fleas are There? [online article], Retrieved on March 2, 2020, from
2 Fleas [online article], Retrieved on May 9, 2022, from
3 Don't Let Fleas Take Over Your Home [blog article], Retrieved on March 2, 2020, from
4 Hinkle, N. C., Koehler, P. G., Kern, W. H. & Patterson, R. S. Hematophagous Strategies of the Cat Flea (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae). The Florida Entomologist 74, 377 (1991).
5 How Ticks Spread Disease [online article], Retrieved on March 2, 2020, from
6 Tickborne Diseases of the United States [online article], Retrieved on March 2, 2020, from
7 Lyme Disease (Lyme Borreliosis) in Dogs [online article], Retrieved on March 2, 2020, from
8 Tick Removal [online article], Retrieved on March 2, 2020, from