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- Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

If your cat is urinating frequently or straining to urinate, he or she may be experiencing a urinary tract infection. Other common signs of a cat urinary problem include changes in the size of the litter clumps (lots of little clumps, for example), or accidents outside the litter box.
While urinary illnesses are relatively common in male and female cats, they can be uncomfortable and painful for diagnosed cats and potentially lead to other health issues if left untreated.
Interestingly, male cats get slightly different urinary illness than female cats, and we will explore how that translates to the approach for treatment and prevention in this article. Knowing the potential causes, various symptoms, treatment options available, and ways to prevent urinary issues in cats can help keep your cat healthy and save you from an unexpected vet bill.
What is a Cat UTI?
UTI stands for urinary tract infection. The ‘infection’ portion of the phrase implies that bacteria is the cause for the problem. Animals (and people!) are not sterile creatures, and it is possible for bacteria on the outside of our bodies to travel through the urethra into the bladder, causing an infection. This is the most common cause for urinary tract disease in female cats.
Feline Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)
Interestingly, many male cats can have urinary illness that is sterile, meaning it doesn’t stem from a bacterial infection at all. In these cats, the urethra becomes inflamed, and in response, it swells, causing painful urethral spasms and the persistent urge to urinate. FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease) is the medical term veterinarians use to describe this illness in male cats.
It is important to differentiate between the two and confirm the presence of bacteria, since antibiotics are indicated in a true UTI, and not with sterile inflammatory urinary disease.
Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms in Cats
One of the hallmark signs of urinary tract illness in cats is an increase in the frequency of urination. Usually the amount of urine eliminated is very small as well. This may be evident by smaller urine clumps in the litter box, or if the urine is voided inappropriately outside the box, you may notice it is a small volume than normal.
Many times, the urine will be pink tinged, indicating the presence of blood, and occasionally you may notice a strong or unpleasant urine odor.
Crying or straining to urinate can stem from pain. Painful straining to urinate without the production of any urine is always an emergency.
Causes of Feline Urinary Tract Infections
In a true cat UTI, bacteria is always the actual cause for the infection. Female cats are more at risk for a bacterial urinary tract infection due to the wider size and shorter length of their urethras as compared to male cats.
Obesity can exacerbate bacterial UTIs in male and female cats, since overweight cats have a harder time reaching to keep themselves clean by grooming. Weight loss can help prevent this from recurring.
Bladder stones can act as a nidus for repeated infections. Imaging with radiographs or ultrasounds are needed to rule out the presence of stones in the bladder, and removal of the stones with surgery or occasionally with a diet change are indicated.
In male cats with FLUTD, stress has often been implicated as an underlying cause. Changes in routine, moving homes, the addition of new pets or family members and changing diets are all common causes for stress that can result in cat urinary issues.
Treatment Options for Urinary Tract Infection in Cats
Treatment of cat urinary tract infection, of course, depends on the underlying cause. Cats with documented bacterial infections will need to be placed on antibiotics. Often a veterinarian might prescribe pain medication in addition to antibiotics, to help with the discomfort causing the straining and inflammation.
Cats with FLUTD are often prescribed urethral relaxing medications and pain meds. Occasionally they may be prescribed anxiety medication to help with underlying stress.
Tips for Preventing Urinary Tract Infections in Cats
Feline urinary diets can help prevent urinary tract disease by targeting stress and by altering the pH of the urine to prevent crystals. These diets often contain ingredients that encourage cats to drink more water, thus diluting the urine. This can help prevent the formation of crystals and promote a healthy urinary tract.
Switching to a canned food diet will sometimes help as well. The increased moisture content in the canned food helps to keep cats better hydrated, and therefore may improve urinary health.
Weight loss will help cats with recurrent bacterial infections to keep themselves cleaner, as they’ll be more mobile and able to groom effectively.
Other Cat Urinary Tract Issues that Might Present as a UTI
There are other diseases that can present like a UTI or FLUTD with inappropriate urination outside the litter box or changes in urine voiding behavior. A visit to the veterinarian’s office is necessary to rule out diseases such as cat diabetes or urinary stones or even kidney disorders that might present similarly.
Consider having insurance as a way to help defray the cost of veterinary care. Additionally, Pets Best offers optional exam fee coverage in order to be more comprehensive.