Can Cats Get Depressed? Understanding Cat Depression


Can Cats Get Depressed? Understanding Cat Depression

Reviewed by Dr. Fiona Lee

Mental health isn't just a concern for humans—pets, including cats, can also experience emotional distress. While cats are often seen as independent and low-maintenance, they are sensitive creatures that can develop depression. Recognizing the signs and causes of feline depression can help you support your cat in regaining their emotional and mental well-being.

Can Cats Get Depressed? Understanding Feline Depression

Feline depression is a real condition that affects a cat's mood, behavior and overall health. Just like humans, cats can experience emotional lows triggered by environmental changes, grief or underlying medical issues. While research on animal mental health is still developing, veterinarians and animal behaviorists increasingly acknowledge that cats can suffer from depression-like symptoms.1

Understanding how to cheer up a depressed cat starts with recognizing the signs and addressing the root causes.

Causes of Depression in Cats

Several factors can contribute to a cat's depression, including:

  • Environmental changes: Moving to a new home, rearranging furniture or introducing new pets or family members can cause stress and sadness in cats.
  • Loss and grief: Cats form strong bonds with their owners and other pets. The loss of a companion can lead to loneliness, mourning and behavioral changes.2
  • Health issues: Chronic pain, illness or undiagnosed medical conditions can lead to lethargy and decreased interest in their usual activities.
  • Neglect or abuse: A lack of socialization, boredom, prolonged isolation or past trauma can contribute to long-term emotional distress. Cats can even experience post-traumatic stress disorder.3

Signs of Cat Depression

Noticeable behavioral, physical and emotional changes that may point to your cat feeling sad include:

Behavioral changes

Cats experiencing depression often change their daily behaviors. In some cases, depression can cause an increase in aggression, with cats becoming irritable or lashing out unexpectedly.4 They may also hide, neglect their usual grooming routine and lose interest in playtime and favorite toys.

Physical symptoms

A cat's physical health can be directly affected by its emotional state. Depressed cats may eat less, leading to weight loss and nutritional deficiencies. Alternatively, some cats may overeat as a coping mechanism, resulting in weight gain.

Excessive sleeping is another common symptom, with cats becoming lethargic and spending more time than usual curled up in secluded areas. Pay close attention to any changes in litter box use or an increase in accidents. A depressed cat may start having urinary issues, like avoiding the litter box, urinating or defecating outside of it or using it less frequently. Some cats may also show signs of digestive upset, such as vomiting or diarrhea, which can be stress-related.5

Emotional indicators

Changes in vocalization can be a sign of distress.6 Some depressed cats may become unusually quiet, reducing their normal meowing or purring. Others may become excessively vocal, crying or yowling more than usual, especially at night.

Once-affectionate cats may become distant, avoiding petting and snuggling. On the other hand, some cats may seek constant reassurance and follow their owners around the house. If you've been wondering, “Why is my cat so clingy?" it could be a sign that they're struggling with their mental health.

Treatments for Cat Depression

If you suspect your cat is depressed, consulting a veterinarian is the first step. A vet can rule out underlying medical conditions and suggest behavioral or dietary changes. Treatment options may include:

Medication or behavioral therapy

In severe cases, anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants may be prescribed. Cat behavior modification treatment may be recommended, which can include environmental enrichment, more playtime and interactive toys.4

Dietary change

Your veterinarian may recommend dietary changes or supplements to help boost your cat's mood and energy levels.7

Alternative and complementary therapies

Alternative therapies—such as acupuncture, massage and aromatherapy—may be recommended to help improve your cat's mood and well-being.8 These treatments may be paired with conventional treatments such as medications.

Holistic approaches

Natural remedies like supplements and calming pheromone sprays can help improve a cat's mood. Those containing theanine and l-tryptophan may boost serotonin to help tackle depression.1

How To Help a Depressed Cat at Home

Providing a supportive environment can help your kitty overcome depression. Strategies include:

  • Environmental enrichment: Offer stimulating toys, scratching posts and window perches to keep your cat engaged.
  • Social interaction: Spend quality time with your cat through play, petting and talking.
  • Consistency in routine: Maintain a stable feeding and play schedule to provide a sense of security.
  • Comfort and security: Create cozy resting spots and ensure your cat has quiet areas where they feel safe.

Other Feline Mental Disorders

In addition to depression, cats can experience other mental health issues, including:


Cats suffering from anxiety may display excessive grooming, restlessness, hiding or even destructive behaviors. Some cats develop generalized anxiety, where they seem perpetually on edge, while others experience situational anxiety linked to specific events, such as thunderstorms or car rides.

If left untreated, chronic anxiety can lead to physical health issues, including hair loss and digestive problems. Consult your veterinarian if your cat is showing signs of anxiety.9

Compulsive behaviors

Some cats develop repetitive, compulsive behaviors as a way to cope with stress, boredom or underlying medical conditions.10 These behaviors can include over-grooming to the point of bald patches, excessive tail chasing, pacing or constant meowing. In some cases, compulsive behaviors are triggered by changes in routine, lack of mental stimulation or past trauma.

Pets Best Is Here To Help

Understanding your cat's mental health plays a big role in their happiness and overall well-being. By spotting the signs of depression early and taking steps to help, you can make a real difference in their quality of life.

If their symptoms don't improve, reach out to a veterinarian who can provide guidance and support. Put your mind at ease and speak to a veterinary expert anytime by using the 24/7 Pet Helpline that's included with all Pets Best insurance plans.

With a little love, care and attention, you can help your cat feel like their usual happy, playful self again!

Sources/ Citations

  1. “Is Cat Depression Real?" Wailani Sung (9/2021), PetMD,
  2. “Do Cats Mourn?" Tammy Hunter and Lynn Buzhardt (2023), VCA Animal Hospitals,
  3. “Can a Cat Have PTSD? Vet Reviewed Signs, Causes & Treatment," Nicole Cosgrove (2/2025), PangoVet,
  4. “Is Your Cat Sad? Signs & Causes of Cat Depression,"(11/2023), Eastgate Animal Hospital,
  5. “Vomiting in Cats: What Causes It and How to Help," (1/2025), The Vets,
  6. “Excessive Vocalization (Meowing & Yowling) in Cats," Jennifer S. Fryer (7/2024), Preventive Vet,
  7. “Nutritional Intervention for Feline Stress", M. Leanne Lilly (6/2022), Today's Veterinary Practice,
  8. “What You Need To Know About Cat Acupuncture," (3/2023), Fine Animal Hospital,
  9. “Anxiety Disorders in Cats," Jenny Alonge (1/2024), Pet MD,
  10. “Behavioral Problems of Cats," Gary M. Landsberg and Sagi Denenberg (9/2024), Merck Veterinary Manual,

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