What Foods Can Dogs Not Eat


What Foods Can Dogs Not Eat

Reviewed by Dr. Fiona Lee

Human foods can be your dog's best friend—or their worst enemy. Some of the most common household foods can actually make your dog very ill. Some are toxic even in very small amounts! But other human foods are perfectly safe and even healthy for your dog to eat.

But what can dogs not eat? It can be tough to keep track of which is which, and pet poisonings are a real threat. In fact, more than 401,500 pet poisonings happen in the United States every year.1 Although not all of these are food-related (and many are household items), common household foods are a major contributor.

That's why you want to be prepared with all the best information on foods to avoid and foods your dog can safely eat. Let this guide to foods your dog can and can't eat serve as your "cheat sheet" to help keep your fur buddy safe.

Why Certain Foods Are Toxic to Dogs

What can dogs eat and not eat? Canine digestion and metabolism are very different from our own, which is why humans can safely eat many foods that are bad for dogs. Dogs' bodies process some substances very differently.

For example, dogs metabolize the theobromine and caffeine in chocolate slower than humans, which means the substances can build up in their systems fast and possibly become fatal.2

And while you can easily digest cherries, the cyanide in their pits, stems and leaves can be a problem if your dog eats them in very large amounts.3 In addition, the pits in cherries can cause diarrhea since they're hard for your dogs to digest, so it's best to just avoid them.

Food toxicity can also vary by dog size, breed and health condition. That's why it's so important to talk to your veterinarian if you have any questions about things your dogs can't eat.

List of Common Foods Dogs Cannot Eat

Many household foods are dangerous—and often toxic—to dogs. Some of the most common foods that are bad for dogs include alcohol, avocados, macadamia nuts, grapes and raisins, xylitol and chocolate.1 But your dog should avoid all the foods listed below. (And remember: Although this rounds up what a dog can't eat, it's not meant to be an all-inclusive list.)


1. Alcohol

Because cats and dogs are smaller than humans, alcohol can have a deadlier effect on them. Even small amounts of alcohol can cause harm. And the smaller your pet, the more dangerous even a small amount can be.4

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning in dogs are similar to symptoms in people, such as vomiting, breathing problems, coma or even death.1

Apple, Apricot, Cherry, & Plum Seeds/Pits

2. Apple, apricot, cherry, and plum seeds/pits

Although the fleshy parts of apples are safe for dogs, the core and the apple seeds are not. Apple seeds contain cyanide, and while they likely are fine in small amounts, it's best to just avoid the core and seeds altogether.5

Apricot, cherry, peach and plum seeds and pits should also be avoided.6 These fruit pits also contain cyanide, which can cause vomiting, irregular and fast heartbeat, seizures, coma and death. This is due to the inability of red blood cells to properly carry oxygen to cells.5


3. Avocado

Avocados aren't a good choice for dogs. In fact, two dogs in South Africa died from myocardial damage after eating avocados. While this result has never been replicated, avocados are known to cause issues in other mammal species. In addition, dogs that eat an intact avocado pit can obstruct their GI tract. So it's best to avoid this food.7


4. Broccoli

Broccoli contains isothiocyanates, which can be harmful to pets in very large doses. Although small amounts of broccoli can be OK on occasion, it's probably best to avoid them since so many healthy foods are available. Broccoli stalks can also sometimes get caught in a dog's throat, causing an obstruction.3

Caffeine & Coffee Grounds

5. Caffeine and coffee grounds

Caffeine contains methylxanthines. These can cause potentially fatal diarrhea, vomiting, seizures and irregular heartbeat.8

In fact, your dog's heart may race if he accidentally ingests coffee grounds or consumes any drink that is high in caffeine. This can lead to seizures, tremors, arrhythmia, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.

Chicken & Turkey Skin, Ham, & Other Fatty Cuts of Meat

6. Chicken and turkey skin, ham, and other fatty cuts of meat

When it comes to fatty cuts of meat, ham and other fatty items like chicken or turkey skin, it's better to throw them out rather than feed them to pets as a treat. These are bad for dogs because they have a high fat content, which can cause acute pancreatitis, a life-threatening illness with severe complications.

Avoid turkey and chicken bones, too. If the bones splinter, they can obstruct the bowels or damage the stomach or intestines. Sometimes this can puncture the stomach or intestines, which may lead to a fatal abdominal infection.9


7. Chocolate

Chocolate toxicity is one of the most common causes of pet poisoning during the holidays. Your dog definitely can't eat any chocolate product! Chocolate contains a lethal component called theobromine—the darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains. Chocolate also contains caffeine, and some sugar-free chocolate might have xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.

Dogs and cats simply cannot metabolize chocolate as well as humans. Dark chocolate or baker's chocolate are the worst offenders, but any type of chocolate can be problematic.

Symptoms associated with the ingestion of chocolate can include hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis, abnormal heart rhythm and seizures. If your dog ingests any amount of chocolate, no matter how small, call your vet immediately.2

Grapes & Raisins

8. Grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins are dangerous to dogs. These fruits can cause serious problems like kidney failure because their tartaric acid is toxic to your dog's kidneys. A few bites are enough to wreak havoc.

Symptoms of raisin or grape poisoning include vomiting and diarrhea, loss of appetite, changes in the amount of urine passed, or not passing any urine.

Macadamia Nuts, Almonds, & Pistachios

9. Macadamia nuts, almonds, and pistachios

Macadamia nuts can cause dogs to suffer numerous painful symptoms, including weakness, overheating and vomiting. Though the exact mechanism for the poisoning is something of a mystery, these famous Hawaiian exports are considered toxic to dogs. As few as six nuts can cause severe poisoning in a small dog.

While Macadamia nuts are the most dangerous, other nuts may be choking hazards or problematic if they're flavored or spiced. Watch out for pistachios and almonds, for example, due to the choking hazards.10

Milk & Dairy Products

10. Milk and dairy products

Milk and other dairy products should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Some dogs can drink milk or eat dairy products just fine. However, some dogs are lactose intolerant or allergic and may experience diarrhea and gas if they have cow's milk.11

Ice cream is also bad for dogs because of the high sugar and fat. Rather than giving your pup ice cream, try freezing bites of healthy fruits your dog can eat instead.9

As for cheese, it's OK in small quantities, but stick to lower-fat cheese as a treat instead of a high-fat variety.9


11. Mushrooms

It's best to err on the side of caution and avoid feeding your dog mushrooms. Mushrooms contain a variety of toxins that may cause kidney and liver failure, vomiting, diarrhea, hallucination and damage to red blood cells. Washed, white mushrooms from the grocery store may be OK, but it's probably safer to choose a different treat.3

Nutmeg & Cinnamon

12. Nutmeg and cinnamon

Dogs should not be fed any foods with nutmeg. This spice may cause hallucinations and severe vomiting. So even if your dog is begging for a cookie spiced with nutmeg, don't give in.12

The culprit is myristicin, a compound in nutmeg. Its effects are strongest when eaten in high doses or consumed by a small dog. But if your dog gets into any amount of nutmeg, call your veterinarian for guidance.12

Cinnamon should also be avoided, not because it's toxic, but because it can irritate your dog's mouth and sometimes lead to low blood sugar, which can have serious health effects on your pup.9

Onions, Garlic, Chives, & Leeks

13. Onions, garlic, chives, and leeks

Many pet owners are surprised to discover that the herbs belonging to the allium family—such as onions and garlic—are not safe for their pups. Onions and garlic contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia in cats and dogs. Onion and garlic powders are found in many prepared foods—even baby food—so make sure to read labels before serving store-bought food to your pet.13

In fact, all allium plants, including chives and leeks, can cause potentially fatal anemia in dogs and cats. Certain Japanese breeds of dogs, like Akitas and Shiba Inus, are extra sensitive to allium plants, but the plants are dangerous to all dogs.13


14. Salt

Excessive amounts of salt can change the fluid balance of cells in your dog. Too much salt can cause tremors, seizures, diarrhea or even coma. Whether your dog is begging for a bite of something with rock salt, homemade play dough or potato chips, don't let their sad eyes jeopardize their health.8

Spicy Food

15. Spicy food

Keep your pup away from spicy food. Hot, spicy food can cause vomiting, stomach ulcers or diarrhea, which can be painful for your dog—and your wallet if they end up at the ER.

Sugar-Free Gum & Candy (Xylitol)

16. Sugar-free gum and candy (xylitol)

Xylitol is a sweetener found in many human foods, such as sugar-free gum and candy. But in dogs, it can cause a rapid drop in blood sugar that leads to weakness and even seizures. Some dogs may also experience liver failure.

In fact, dog poisoning cases involving this artificial sweetener, often found in sugar-free baked goods as well, are on the rise. The amount of xylitol in just five pieces of gum has the potential to kill a 65-pound dog.

Tomatoes & Raw Potatoes

17. Tomatoes and raw potatoes

Tomatoes and potatoes fall in the category of "safe in some forms, unsafe in others." A ripened red tomato is generally OK. However, the green parts of the tomato plant have solanine, which is toxic to dogs. Green, unripe tomatoes also have solanine.14

Potatoes are the same deal. If baked or boiled with no additives, they're generally safe in small amounts. But raw potatoes contain solanine, which is toxic to dogs.15


18. Tobacco

Tobacco is dangerous and unhealthy for your pup. Exposure to nicotine-containing products can cause a variety of symptoms, including:16

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Rapid or labored breathing
  • Agitation
  • Abnormal heart rate
  • Wobbliness
  • Weak muscles
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Seizures
  • Tremors

More significant or frequent exposure to tobacco may lead to blue gums and coma—and may ultimately become fatal.

Dogs are curious. They may get into a cigarette that was left on the sidewalk while you're on a walk, or nose through an ashtray with cigarette butts. If your dog gets into tobacco, you need to act fast and take her to the veterinarian right away.16

Yeast & Raw Dough

19. Yeast and raw dough

Yeast and raw dough are unsafe for dogs for several reasons. The raw dough can expand in your dog's stomach, causing severe pain and even potentially life-threatening torsion or rupture of the stomach.

On top of that, the yeast and sugar in raw dough can ferment, leading to alcohol toxicity. This can quickly become fatal, so it requires immediate medical intervention.17

Raw Meat

20. Raw meat

Never feed your dog raw or undercooked meat.13 The possible Salmonella or E. coli that is sometimes found in raw meat can be harmful to dogs too, not just humans. Your dog can also choke on the bones in raw meat.


21. Rhubarb

Rhubarb, commonly used in desserts like rhubarb pie, is not safe for pets. This plant has soluble calcium oxalate crystals in its leaves. Eaten in large enough quantities, it can put your dog's life at risk by binding with calcium in the body, causing a dangerous drop in levels and possibly leading to renal failure. Symptoms include tremors, weakness, drooling, bloody urine, changes in thirst, and urination and vomiting.18

star fruit

22. Star fruit

Just like rhubarb, star fruit also has soluble calcium oxalate crystals. Don't let your dog snack on this fruit.18

seltzer water

23. Flavored water and seltzer water

Err on the side of caution and give your dog fresh, clean water rather than anything flavored or carbonated. Seltzer and flavored waters can have added ingredients that are dangerous to pups, including sugar or salt. Plain seltzer water might be OK in small amounts if urgently needed, but it might lead to gas and bloating. It's best to stick to plain water.19

13 Foods Safe for Dogs

Although the list of foods that dogs can't eat is long, the list of safe foods for dogs is also quite extensive! Some of the safest foods that dogs tend to enjoy the most include dehydrated chicken or beef in very small amounts, apples (without the core), green beans and carrots.

Here are some popular foods that your dog can eat. This list isn't exhaustive, but it can help get you started.

Apples, Oranges, & Bananas

1. Apples, oranges, and bananas

While you need to avoid apple cores and seeds because these are toxic, the fleshy parts of apples without seeds are just fine for your dogs. It's best if you cut off a little piece of an apple so there's no danger of your dog getting into the core.5


Oranges are safe if fed in small amounts.20 And in moderation, bananas (minus the peel) can also be a tasty treat.

Blueberries & Blackberries

2. Blueberries and blackberries

Blueberries are tasty treats your dog will likely love. Blueberries have antioxidants, fiber, phytochemicals and vitamin C that are great for your pup's health.20

Cantaloupe, Mango, Peaches, Pears, Pineapples, & Watermelon

3. Cantaloupe, mango, peaches, pears, pineapples, and watermelons

There are quite a few fruits that your dog can safely enjoy, so try a variety and see which they like best!20

Cantaloupes are a great choice to start with. Your dog might also love watermelon if you remove the rinds and seeds (including pale seeds in the seedless variety) to avoid choking. Because it's mostly water, watermelon can be especially tasty on a warm day.

Mangoes, peaches, pears and pineapples are also safe in moderation. Make sure you remove the seeds, pits and cores before your pup gobbles down these fruity treats.

Carrots, Cucumber, and Celery

4. Carrots, cucumber, and celery

Looking for more ideas? Remember the three C's: carrots, cucumbers and celery.3 These veggies and fruit are especially great options for overweight dogs since they're so low in calories.

Bite-sized carrot pieces have a nice crunch that many dogs love. Celery bites also have a fun crunch and can help with bad breath. Cucumber slices contain lots of vitamins and minerals, with very few carbohydrates or fats.


5. Cheese

While dogs should avoid milk and dairy products in general, a little bit of cheese every now and then is OK if you know your dog isn't lactose intolerant. Just remember that some cheese can be high fat, which is dangerous for dogs. So look for lower-fat varieties, like a little bit of mozzarella, or ask your veterinarian which type is best.9


6. Eggs

Fully cooked eggs can be a tasty and fun treat for your dog. Scrambled eggs can help soothe an upset stomach and provide a yummy source of protein.9

Peanuts, Peanut Butter, and Cashews

7. Peanuts, peanut butter, and cashews

Peanuts and cashews are safe for dogs when given in small quantities. Because of their high fat content, however, you'll want to give your dog just a little bit every now and then. Make sure they're not seasoned, flavored or salted.9

And what about peanut butter? In moderation, peanut butter is delicious and high-protein for your pup. Look for unsalted peanut butter and avoid any sugar-free varieties with xylitol.

Popcorn and Corn

8. Popcorn and corn

Popcorn is another tasty treat your dog may love. Choose air-popped, unsalted and unbuttered popcorn. And check the popcorn thoroughly to make sure your pup doesn't get any unpopped kernels that could cause him to choke.9

Of course, this means corn (removed from the cob) is acceptable too when given without butter, salt or spices.

Coconut and Honey

9. Coconut and honey

In small amounts, coconut is fine for your dog (including coconut milk and coconut oil). It has lauric acid and may even help with allergies.9 However, some dogs may experience an upset stomach from fresh coconut or coconut milk, so use it with caution.8 (And avoid coconut water, which is not safe for dogs.) Also, don't let your dog eat the furry shell, which might cause choking.

Honey in moderation is also safe and comes with lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for your pup.

Shrimp and Fish

10. Shrimp and fish

Plain, fully cooked shrimp is a great choice for your dog. Remove the shell, head, tail and legs, and avoid any kind that's been seasoned, salted or buttered.9

Fish is also permissible, especially salmon and sardines. Make sure the fish is plain, fully cooked and boneless. A good rule of thumb is to give your dog fish no more than twice a week.9

Plain, canned tuna is safe in moderation (to avoid excess mercury and salt). Look for the kind packed in water, not oil.9


11. Turkey

Turkey meat is healthy and safe for dogs once you remove the skin, fat and bones. Dole out small bites of plain turkey as a delicious treat and a great source of protein. Avoid anything seasoned or salted.9

Grains, Wheat, and Quinoa

12. Grains, wheat, and quinoa

What about grains, wheat or quinoa? Just like corn, a little bit of wheat or other grains is fine. And quinoa is a little healthier than many other fillers. Be sure to keep an eye out for allergic reactions.9

Green beans

13. Green beans

Many dogs enjoy green beans, whether served raw, steamed or from a can. They're safe, tasty and healthy—a great combination. Look for green beans that are either raw or cooked plain and don't have added spices, oils or salt. Cut them up into little bites so they don't cause choking.21

What Dogs Are Most at Risk if They Consume Toxic Foods?

While you should avoid letting any dog ingest toxic foods, some dogs are more at risk than others.

  • Small breeds vs. large breeds: Smaller dogs are more vulnerable due to their lower body weight, especially with substances like chocolate.1
  • Puppies: Younger dogs have less developed digestive and immune systems. This puts them at greater risk from certain substances, even raw dog food.22
  • Elderly dogs: Older dogs may be at higher risk due to other health conditions they have. For example, dogs with other health problems shouldn't be fed raw dog food.22
  • Dogs with pre-existing conditions: Many pre-existing health conditions, like diabetes or kidney disease, can put a dog at greater risk.22

How To Prevent Dogs from Eating Toxic Foods

While accidents do happen sometimes, you can take proactive steps to minimize the risk of your beloved pup getting into unsafe human food.1

1. Store foods out of reach

Make sure your dog can't access any toxic food. Keep dangerous items on shelves too high for your dog to reach or locked away in a cabinet your pup can't get into.

2. Avoid feeding dogs from your plate

Don't feed your dog from your plate or in the kitchen while you're cooking, even if you just want to give a treat. It's safest to only give your pup treats that are made specifically for dogs.

3. Educate family members and guests

Educate your family members, including your children, and guests. Let them know that no matter how tempting it may be, they should not sneak any food to your dog.

4. Be careful during holidays

Be extra cautious during the holidays, as the busy season can make it easy to let your guard down while you're cooking.

If your precautions don't work and your dog eats something toxic, be prepared so you can act fast. Keep contact information easy to find for emergency veterinarians who are available 24/7, including on holidays, or for poison control.

What To Do if Your Dog Eats Something Toxic

If your dog eats toxic food, get help as quickly as possible.

You'll want to be familiar with the symptoms of food toxicity so you can quickly recognize if your dog eats something toxic. The symptoms of toxicities vary depending on what your pup got into. These include listlessness, distress, pain, vomiting, bloody stools, etc. Sometimes a dog's stomach will become bloated from gas and feel hard to the touch. This painful condition can cause the stomach to burst if not treated.

If you notice these symptoms, do the following:

  • Call your veterinarian or poison control right away. Timing is vital. Treatments are typically more successful and hospitalization is shorter if a dog gets help fast.
  • Be ready with all the important information, such as the type of food eaten, the amount consumed and the time of ingestion.
  • Avoid home remedies unless your veterinarian suggests them. This is because remedies may vary depending on what was eaten. Even inducing vomiting can be harmful in some cases.

Pets Best Can Help You Keep Your Dog Healthy

From household toxins to dangerous foods, it can be tough to keep track of the things your dog shouldn't get into. And dogs don't always have the most discerning taste (some even eat their own poop!). But if you follow this guide and stay vigilant, you can help keep your dog safe from foods that can hurt him.

The good news is that there are plenty of foods that are safe and healthy to enjoy! Figure out which ones on our list your dog loves, and give them to her as treats when she's been a good girl. If you're unsure about any foods, be sure to consult with your veterinarian.

Pet insurance is a great way to help you protect your dog from unexpected toxins they may encounter. At Pets Best, our dog and puppy insurance plans can be customized for your pet's unique needs. In addition, Pets Best policyholders can speak to a veterinary expert anytime through a 24/7 Pet Helpline. This can be a big help if you're worried about something your pet may have eaten.

Sources/ Citations

1. "Top 10 dog poisons," Hilary Parker (5/2023), WebMD, https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/top-10-dog-poisons

2. "What happens if a dog eats chocolate?" (10/2023), Colorado State University, https://vetmedbiosci.colostate.edu/vth/animal-health/why-is-chocolate-bad-for-dogs/

3. "Fruits and vegetables dogs can or can't eat," (3/2024), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/fruits-vegetables-dogs-can-and-cant-eat/

4. "What to do if your dog drinks alcohol," Jerry Klein (7/2023), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/vets-corner/is-alcohol-dangerous-for-dogs/

5. "Can dogs eat apples?" Hector Joy (12/2022), PetMD, https://www.petmd.com/dog/general-health/can-dogs-eat-apples

6. "Can dogs eat plums?" Katie Koschalk (7/2023), Chewy, https://be.chewy.com/nutrition-pet-diet-tips-can-dogs-eat-plums/

7. "Avocado (Persea spp) Toxicosis in Animals," Cristine Hayes (9/2024), Merck Veterinary Manual, https://www.merckvetmanual.com/toxicology/food-hazards/avocado-persea-spp-toxicosis-in-animals

8. "People foods to avoid feeding your pets," (n.d.), ASPCA, https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/people-foods-avoid-feeding-your-pets

9. "People foods dogs can and can't eat," (3/2024), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/human-foods-dogs-can-and-cant-eat/

10. "Can dogs eat nuts?" Amanda Ardente (1/2023), PetMD, https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-nuts

11. "Can dogs drink milk?" Sandra C. Mitchell (1/2024), PetMD, https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/can-dogs-drink-milk

12. "Can dogs have nutmeg?" Barri J. Morrison (11/2023), PetMD, https://www.petmd.com/nutmeg-safe-dogs

13. "Onion, garlic, chive, and leek poisoning in dogs," Renee Schmid et al. (2024), VCA Animal Hospitals, https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/onion-garlic-chive-and-leek-toxicity-in-dogs

14. "Can dogs eat tomatoes?" Anna Burke (10/2024), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-tomatoes/

15. "Can dogs eat potatoes?" Katherine Ripley (11/2023), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-potatoes/

16. "What to do if your dog eats a cigarette butt," (6/2023), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/dog-ate-cigarette-butt/

17. "Dough & dogs: Why it's bad and what you can do," Lisa Goldstein (7/2024), Preventive Vet, https://www.preventivevet.com/dogs/dough-is-toxic-to-dogs

18. "Rhubarb," (n.d.), Pet Poison Helpline, https://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/poison/rhubarb/

19. "Can dogs drink carbonated water?" Heather Logue (n.d.), Rover, https://www.rover.com/blog/can-dogs-drink-carbonated-water/

20. "What fruits can dogs eat?" Ellen Malmanger (2/2024), PetMD, https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/what-fruits-can-dogs-eat

21. "Can dogs have green beans?" Anna Burke (8/2022), American Kennel Club, https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-have-green-beans/

22. "About pet food safety," (4/2024), CDC, https://www.cdc.gov/healthy-pets/about/pet-food-safety.html

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